He is Allah, the Creator of the soul, the Maker of the body, and the Synchronizer of the soul with body; to Him belongs Best names; whatever in Heavens and Earth glorifies Him, He is the Exalted, the Wise.
Al-Khaliq means "The Creator of the soul," Al-Bari’ means "The Maker of the body," and Al-Musawwir means "The One who synchronizes the body and the soul." The names of Allah, as submitted by Adhikr—the Best Guidance—are called Asma’ul Husna (The Best Names). Including the fifteen names mentioned in these last three verses, there are ninety-nine names of the Lord as taught by His Book. Additionally, the two names Hannaan and Mannaan were taught by the Lord through His Messenger. If one prays by invoking any name other than these 101 names, it is equivalent to calling upon the rebellious Satan—the disbeliever—as explained in verses 2:34 and 4:117-118.
The Lord has taught through His Messenger that whoever seeks refuge with Allah from Satan by reciting three times: "A‘ūdhu billāhi as-Samī‘ al-‘Alīm, min ash-Shayṭān ir-Rajīm" (I seek refuge with Allah, the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing, from Satan, the accursed), and then recites verses 22, 23, and 24 as Virdh at dawn and dusk—understanding their meanings—will remain under Allah’s protection. The verses in the Lord’s Book that are meant for daily supplication are called Virdh. See explanations of 2:255, 4:1, 17:10, and 32:7-9.